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productId: Int!

productCategoryId: Int

productCategory: ListStockProductCategoryRead

identifications: [ProductIdentificationRead!]

img: String

measurementUnitId: Int

measurementUnit: ListStockProductMeasurementUnitRead

minStock: Float

name: String!

parent: ListStockProductParentRead

parentId: Int

price: Float

priceWithTaxes(options: PriceWithTaxesOptions): Float

propertyGroupId: String

propertyGroup: ListStockProductPropertyGroupRead

reference: String!

stock: Float

type: Int!

justImported: Boolean

variants(visible: Int): [ListStockProductRead!]

warehouseId: Int

warehouse: ListStockProductWarehouseRead

warehouses: [ListStockProductWarehouseAssociation!]

costPrice: Float

totalCostPrice: Float

totalSale: Float

usingLowestSupplierCost: Boolean!

There are cases where the costs could be calculated using the lowest supplier costs. For example if there are date filters and there are no movements in the date range.