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Reads a SalespersonPayments

Return a SalespersonPayments with the specified Id.


documentId: Int!

companyId: Int!

fiscalZone: String

company: CompanyRead!

documentTypeId: Int!

documentType: DocumentTypeRead!

year: Int

totalValue: Float!

documentTotal: Float

reconciledValue: Float

geographicZoneId: Int

geographicZone: GeographicZoneRead

remainingReconciledValue: Float

reconciliationPercentage: Float

currencyExchangeTotalValue: Float

currencyExchangeExchange: Float

documentCalculationsMode: Int

documentSetName: String!

pdfExport: String

The path to the pdf file at mediaAPI OR
null = PDF generation not requested
empty string = PDF pending generation

deletable: Boolean

totalRelatedAppliedValue: Float

downloads: Int

nullifiable: Boolean

lastOperations: LastOperationsRead

posRequestId: String

emailsCount: Int

hash: String

hashControl: String

yourReference: String

ourReference: String

createdAt: DateTime!

updatedAt: DateTime!

created: LogInfo

updated: LogInfo

number: Int

documentSet: DocumentSetRead

entityVat: String

entityNumber: String

entityName: String

entityAddress: String

entityZipCode: String

entityCity: String

entityCountryName: String

country: CountryRead

date: DateTime

timezone: TimezoneRead

terminal: TerminalRead

alternateAddress: AlternateAddressRead

salesperson: SalespersonRead

salespersonCommission: Float

commissions: [CommissionsRead]

notesRelatedDocs: String

currencyExchange: CurrencyExchangeRead

notes: String

status: Int

suspended: Boolean

nullified: Boolean

payments: [DocumentPaymentMethodRead]