Reads a Customer.
Returns a Customer with the specified Id.
customerId: Int!
visible: Int
isDefault: Boolean!
vat: String
Vat Number
number: String!
Unique identifier
name: String!
address: String
city: String
zipCode: String
Zip postal code
email: String
website: String
phone: String
fax: String
contactName: String
contactEmail: String
contactPhone: String
notes: String
swift: String
iban: String
sepaId: String
sepaDate: Date
discount: Float
creditLimit: Float
balance: Float
paymentDay: Int
notesOnDocs: Boolean
documentNotes: String
exemptionReason: String
justImported: Boolean
company: CompanyRead
salespersonId: Int
salesperson: SalespersonRead
geographicZoneId: Int
geographicZone: GeographicZoneRead
countryId: Int!
country: CountryRead
languageId: Int
language: LanguageRead
maturityDateId: Int
maturityDate: MaturityDateRead
paymentMethodId: Int
paymentMethod: PaymentMethodRead
deliveryMethodId: Int
deliveryMethod: DeliveryMethodRead
documentSetId: Int
documentSet: DocumentSetRead
priceClassId: Int
priceClass: PriceClassRead
taxes: [CustomerTaxRead!]!
copies: [CustomerDocumentTypeCopyRead]
gdprNotes: String
gdprFile: String
gdprFileOriginal: String
alternateAddresses: [AlternateAddressRead!]
documentsCount: [CustomerDocumentsCoundRead]
deletable: Boolean
Flags if an item can be deleted If set to true, this item can't be deleted
Deprecated fields
These fields are deprecated and might be removed or stop working. Avoid using them.
tax: TaxRead Reason: Use taxes instead.