Reads a Bulk Customer.
Returns a Bulk Customer with the specified Ids.
visible: Int
number: String
Unique identifier
name: String
address: String
city: String
zipCode: String
Zip postal code
email: String
website: String
phone: String
fax: String
contactName: String
contactEmail: String
contactPhone: String
notes: String
swift: String
iban: String
sepaId: String
sepaDate: Date
discount: Float
creditLimit: Float
paymentDay: Int
notesOnDocs: Boolean
documentNotes: String
exemptionReason: String
salesperson: SalespersonRead
geographicZone: GeographicZoneRead
country: CountryRead
language: LanguageRead
maturityDate: MaturityDateRead
paymentMethod: PaymentMethodRead
deliveryMethod: DeliveryMethodRead
documentSetId: Int
documentSet: DocumentSetRead
priceClass: PriceClassRead
taxes: [CustomerTaxRead!]!
Deprecated fields
These fields are deprecated and might be removed or stop working. Avoid using them.
tax: TaxRead Reason: Use taxes instead.