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Updates a Product.

Updates the selected Product with the inserted data. Only the fields sent are updated.

Input Fields

visible: Int

productId: Int!

productCategoryId: Int

type: Int

posFavorite: Boolean

reference: String

name: String

summary: String

notes: String

notesOnExport: Boolean

price: Float

hasStock: Boolean

minStock: Float

img: Upload

exemptionReason: String

ticketBAIExemptionReasonCode: TicketBAIExemptionReasonEnum

warehouseId: Int

measurementUnitId: Int

propertyGroupId: String

variants: [ProductVariantUpdate!]

identifications: [ProductIdentification!]

customFields: [ProductCustomField!]

priceClasses: [ProductPriceClassAssociation!]

warehouses: [ProductWarehouseUpdateAssociation!]

suppliers: [ProductSupplierAssociation!]

taxes: [ProductTaxAssociation!]

Required fields are marked with "!"