Updates a MigratedReceipt.
Updates the selected MigratedReceipt with the inserted data.
Input Fields
documentId: Int!
fiscalZone: String
documentCalculationsMode: Int
posRequestId: String
number: Int
documentSetId: Int
countryId: Int
date: DateTime
timezoneId: Int
terminalId: Int
customerId: Int
alternateAddressId: Int
economicActivityClassificationCodeId: Int
relatedIn: [RelatedDocumentInput]
relatedWith: [RelatedDocumentInput]
notesRelatedDocs: String
currencyExchangeId: Int
currencyExchangeExchange: Float
notes: String
status: Int
suspended: Boolean
nullified: Boolean
payments: [DocumentPaymentMethodInput]
totalValue: Float
file: Upload
fileOriginal: String
Required fields are marked with "!"